April 09, 2012

Welcome Group Number 5!

"Harum Kemuning" Group

We are happy to announce that yesterday we finished the KAF Savings and Loans 3 day workshop with a new group of women in Aiklengis Desa, near Kuta village. They have named themselves "Harum Kemuning", something like "the smell of flowers".

The group is made out of 25 women, of a very low income level. Most of them work on the rice paddies or making mats out of bamboo. 30% of them (8 women) are illiterate and barely speak Bahasa indonesia. The group has an average age of 28 and 2.3 children.

Making Bamboo Mats

In line with their income, during their first KAF meeting they all saved 10.000Rp each, amounting a total of 250.000Rp. As usual in every first meeting, they decided not to take loans this first meeting, hoping they can save more next month and therefore access larger loans.

Day 1: analyzing income and expenses

Getting illiterate women to sign the rules

Listening carefully to the rules
Helping each other


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