July 26, 2012

The Biggest loan so far!

Ina Nisa selling her vegetables at Baturiti Kadus House

This month one of the members of the Baturiti Savings and Loans groups took a 2,500,000Rp loan to invest in her business. Ina Nisa travels to the Sangkol market, 20-30 minutes bus ride, to buy fresh vegetables and then sell them door to door in the Kuta area.

This loan was to be invested in her travel expenses so she could increase the number of times she goes to the market and therefore slowly expand her business. For perspective, the minimum wage per month in NTB province in 2011 was of 950,000Rp, while the average monthly salary was of 1,347,119Rp (Source: Indonesia BPS Statistics). This means that Ina Nisa has managed to obtain a loan that is almost 2 times the average monthly salary of an employee in the NTB province.

This has been possible thanks to the KAF commnunity savings and loans methodology that we started 10 months ago in the area, which enables women to help each other  with small loans, without the need to depend on external funds.

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