October 12, 2012


“Women are the ones who make the world go round… simply because we GIVE”. On her farewell party from her 3 month volunteer stay in Lombok, a very touched Babette summarized her work experience with the women in Lombok with this quote and tears in her eyes.

Babette, half Spanish half French, landed in Lombok last July 9th with her luggage full of samples, ideas and enthusiasm. Her challenge was big: help some of the women from the savings and loans groups to start a little sewing/fabric business that contributed to their process of life improvement and personal empowerment. With an old donated sewing machine and oxidized needles as only tools, in only 3 weeks she had already managed to organize the groups, identify suppliers, negotiate prices for raw material, start a regular 3 day/week class and work schedule and finish the first bag samples. AMAZING! Not even the women themselves could believe what they had done...

Babette with Ayong during first samples training

                                                Bersahara products from Women group in Ujung on sale at market

With no knowledge of the bahasa Indonesian or Sasak languages and using local traditional techniques and fabrics as a base, in the last 3 months Babette has managed to work with the women day after day, rain or shine, leading them through a personal learning process that has enabled them to make their own production and believe that they can actually have a sewing/fabric business. 

In only 3 months, the women have managed to learn 10 different designs, learn how to make more than 15 different bags and have their first market with sales of 3,500,000Rp (around 350US$). For perspective, this is the equivalent of a 3-4 month salary in Lombok. Moreover, with the support of Ellen, the women have been trained on a business model that will enable them to slowly take over and manage their own business and hopefully continue growing in the future. On the road to empowerment and sustainability! We are so proud of the women and so lucky to have had Babette with us!

Farewell lunch for Babette and her "Ibus Ibus"

Babette is right when she says that women give: they give life and birth, they give shelter, they give food, they give love and support… they GIVE. And this is exactly what Babette has done to the 6 women in Ujung village: she has given them knowledge, technical skills, designs, support, enthusiasm and her hard work…but above all she has given them LOVE and the HOPE for a better future as more empowered women. They have been lucky to join a 3 months training  with an amazing women.

Ayong Rossari, Warida, Erlina, Saibi, Yumaini and Ina Ripail mention you EVERYDAY and will never forget you. Neither will the Bersahara team.

We wish you all the best and hope to see you again soon!

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