Banyu Urip Group is
located in Dusun (hamlet) Lengak Mati, Banyu Urip Village, West Praya Sub District.
It takes 1,5 hours by
motorbike from Kuta through a very bumpy road.
The group was started at the end of July 2012 by Aryan, one of the members of Bangkang Group, who is a teacher and very supportive of the methodology. She was so keen that we trained her to start this group on her own. The group has 14 members, all of them farmers with limited education and literacy level. Most of them only speak the local language (Sasak), making it really challenging for the team to work with this group.
During their first meeting after the training, they felt so insecure that they asked the cleric in town to help them with the financial records needed for the savings and loans group. However, thanks to a more thorough explanation they finally accepted to take full responsibility and now have chosen 5 women to take over the president, book-keeping, key and box responsibilities. Although it was challenging for them to do the book keeping, as things like using a calculator and writing numbers are not usual things for them, after almost an hour they managed to finish the task of recording the shares.
We will continue to encourage them to continue the learning pace in order
to progress in the route to empowerment of this group too!
Welcome to all the women in Banyu Urip
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